Friday, April 13, 2012

Stanley Market

I will be in Hong Kong for only 1 1/2 days in April. The last time I was in Hong Kong was 13 years ago and still remember how much fun I had at Stanley Market. Bought tons of things. Is it still as popular as ever?

Stanley Market

yes :) still a popular place but it has changed a lot even when I was living there, the seaside area had now been developed with beach facing restaurants and sidewalks, paths along the beach etc.

Have fun shopping and dining :)

PS. the good news is that that horrible old public bathroom is no more and been updated and clean ! at least u wont smell it first before arriving !

Stanley Market

My wife and I visited Stanley in November, the last time was 10 years previously. We were very disappointed as it was not as good as the first time when we had, like yourself a wonderful time.

Firstly I think the new development on the seafront has ruined the charm Stanley once had. Also the market is not as appealing as it was on the first trip, it seemed a lot smaller with not much variety. Maybe this is because since then I have visited other Asian countries and different markets and they put Stanley market in the shade,there just was not the same magic as the first visit 10 years before. But the good news is Temple street is still as mad and wonderful as ever. So save half a day and visit somewhere you didn%26#39;t see 13 years ago, because there%26#39;s lots of wonderful new attractions.

Have a great trip.

Hi Cruisineurope,

I agree with Billyboy, we just came back from HK where we were there for 6 days, and made a trip out to Stanley. While I wouldn%26#39;t say it was a waste of time, because the bus trip there is def. great because you get to see much of HK Island. The Stanley Mkets itself was a bit disappointing, and we found the Temple St night markets much better value for money.

If you only have 1 1/2 days in HK, I%26#39;d be trying to compress things, and a trip to Stanley would eat up a lot of time.

Have a great time, we did, and we would love to go back again!

How much time should you allot for a trip to Stanley, including travel time back and forth, say if you are coming from Causeway Bay of Tsim Tsa Shui? Kindly assume that I am not a shopper and would just like experience the nice ride and check out what Stanley is all about? What time of day or night is it best to go?

I have not been there and am planning to check it out this time.


I would recommend going first thing in the morning. Most of the other shops in Hong Kong do not open up till 10am or 11am. You could head over to stanley first thing about 8am or 9am and enjoy the trip over there and shop as all of the shops start opening. From memory it took me about 30-40 mins in a taxi from TST when I was there in September. Stanley shops also start opening about 9am

Stanley is not that big and you can see all of the shops in about 1-2 hours max. Thus leaving the rest of the day for you to do other stuff.

Good luck


Menph, if you are not for shopping, but for checking out what it has to offer, Stanley may take you almost a full day.

From Causeway Bay, take the little green bus #40, preferably terminal to terminal, or at least to Stanley Market (Ma Hang). Go downstairs by escalator, passing by various shops, supermarket, bakery, and even have your breakfast there. Then you can turn right to check on some temples and museum. There is a path leading west that you can explore, and lead to another little shrine. Back to your landing area, which is a covered amphitheater, you will find a newly built promenade leading to the ';village';. It is in this village that you will find shops originally meant for the expat clientale, but lately becoming pro tourist. The village ends at another renovated temple. Uphill from there is the Red Army base, no entry. On the other side of that hill is the prison, you don%26#39;t want to go in. However, a little to the northeast is a nice beach for swimming. When you have done that much it will be time for lunch. From there to TST, you can take the bus#973. Or, may be you should try a different route, like #6, or #14 which goes to the east of the Island, there you can change to a tram for Central, or take the MTR.

A full day in Stanley is too long as not that much to see.........allow half a day at most (or go to Temple st) if you only have 1.5 days in HK.

Hi Bofoster,

Which terminal in Causeway Bay are you referring to in order to take the bus to Stanley Market?

Will be coming from HIE and was wondering if this bus was the fastest way to Stanley.

Other posts have indicated a double decker bus or am I mistaken?

There are double decker buses to stanley but I had only taken them in Central (and the old Star Ferry location on HK Island side).

I guess the other post is this one…

which says:

To Stanley from Causeway Bay, you take bus 63 on Pennington Street (300 metres to east of HIE) except on Sundays or public holidays take bus 65 on Canal Road East (very near HIE), or if you dare to take those speedy minibuses instead of double decker buses, there is a minibus 40 departing Tang Lung Street near Hennessy Road (about 150 metres from HIE).

Buses 63 and 65 are double decker buses; minibus 40 are minibuses.

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