Hi, we are planning a tour in September. Anyone travelled with Wendy Wu? We lke the itiniery but not sure about the company, as Helen Wong seems to be the one people I have spoken to have done. We are looking at the 28 day Highlights of China.It%26#39;s not a budget tour.! We may never go back , so want the best experience we can get. Happy to go with a tour company as we don%26#39;t have the time or resources to organise out trip as a lot have done. Any info welcome.
Tours from Australia
I agree with annemc that the fear of going with a budget tour is that 1) you may never return to China again and, 2) you will be stranded in a foreign country with food poisoning, motion sickness, hepatitis, or a number of other nightmares...
We went with a mid- to high-end tour operator last year, they offer several classes of tours with different durations. The longest one, I believe is the 20-day Grand Tour and that is also their luxury package and comes with a Yangtze river cruise and foray into Lhasa. We were very satisfied with our shorter one, though the Grand is definitely on our wishlist. But even with the shorter one we were able to stay in five-star hotels pretty much all the way so I must say we were pretty comfortable and well taken care of. THe company is called ';Let%26#39;s Travel China'; and based in the US, they have a website by the same name, I think they%26#39;ve been around for only several years but they seemed veyr reliable.
Hope this helps, reply to this post if you want to hear more about our experience!
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